
  • Stata Release 11
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 9. 02:42

    If you're re-packaging, I figure you're probably capturing the vendor installation? If so, either: - simply defer starting the 'After' snapshot until you've started the application, or - use a lightweight snapshotter (e.g.

    1. Stata User's Guide Release 11
    2. Stata Release 11 2017
    3. Stata 11 Software

    Announcing Stata Release 11 Stata 11 ships July 27. Order now at www.stata.com. 2 Multiple imputation for missing data Stata’s new mi command provides a full suite of multiple-imputation methods for the analysis of incomplete data, data for which some values are missing.

    Ziff-Davis's In Control) to capture the app's activity and then add that to your package. I prefer the latter approach as you can eliminate capturing user-specific stuff. Note that the serial number generation/key validation.could.

    be tied to machine-specific details (e.g. Computername) and adding it to your package will be pointless. I had to create a transform for this application when we deployed it awhile ago. The Stata.lic file holds the license for the software to run.


    If I remember correctly, I used the application shortcut in the Start Menu as an entry point which triggered a repair the first time it ran (which put the license file into place). Once open, the application was reading the license file. Let me know if you need further details on this, it's been awhile since i've worked on it so I may need to refer back to my documentation. Do you have a tool to make a transform for an.msi file? If not, you can download InstallTailor or Orca for free.

    You don't need to take a snapshot of anything, all you need to do is make your modifications in a transform file. Here's what I did: (1. Created the transform file (I use Macromedia Admin Studio - any tool will do). Found component called STATA.lic. I can't recall if this is the actual name of the component that held the Stata.lic file, either way just find the Stata.lic file and look at which component it is in. Replace that.lic file with the one you want to use.

    Found component called AllOtherFiles (i can't remember if I created it or found it - if it's not there, just create it). Imported registry entry from the HKCU hive under Stata 10 that disables the auto update prompt and query.

    Create a feature called (whatever you want - I called it CurrentUser). Make it the parent of all other features. Go to the FeatureComponents table. Associate the AllOtherFiles component w/ the CurrentUser feature.

    Find the shortcut for the version you are using (i.e. Intercooled, Small - make sure you know what version you are using - otherwise your license will not work).

    Stata Release 11

    Stata User's Guide Release 11

    Make sure it's an advertised shortcut pointing to wstata.exe. I ran with the following command line: msiexec /i stata10.msi TRANSFORMS=stata10.mst STATAFLAVOR=intercooled /qn (again, STATAFLAVOR is the version you want to use - very important - otherwise you license will not work). Now when you launch your application, a repair will be triggered and will populate your HKCU entries for each user preventing auto updates. I don't know if you want to have auto updates occur or not, I just know where I work we always want to prevent auto updating.

    Stata 14 Stata/MP is the fastest and largest version of Stata. Stata/MP is faster — much faster. Stata/MP lets you analyze data in one-half to two-thirds the time compared with Stata/SE on inexpensive dual-core laptops and in one-quarter to one-half the time on quad-core desktops and laptops. Stata/MP runs even faster on multiprocessor servers. Stata/MP supports up to 64 cores/processors. Speed is often most crucial when performing computationally intense estimation procedures.

    Stata Release 11 2017

    A few of Stata’s estimation procedures, including linear regression, are nearly perfectly parallelized, meaning they run twice as fast on two cores, four times as fast on four cores, eight times as fast on eight cores, and so on. Some estimation commands can be parallelized more than others. Across all estimation commands, Stata/MP runs 1.8 times faster on dual-core computers, 2.8 times faster on quad-core computers, and about 4 times faster on computers with eight cores. Speed can also be important when managing large datasets. Adding new variables is nearly 100 percent parallelized, and sorting is 80 percent parallelized. Some procedures are not parallelized and some are inherently sequential, meaning they run the same speed in Stata/MP.

    Stata 11 Software

    System Requirements:–.

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